made me believe in myself

“I learned many things up there—things that neither men nor teaching excellencewomen nor books had taught me, something of the directness and persistence of the forces of nature, the binding contract of a man’s body with his soul, the glorification of labor and the meaning of responsibility. I was happy there—happy as I had never been before. I wanted the days to be longer so that I could work harder for you, and my pride in your comfort was the greatest pride I have ever known. You were my fetich—the symbol of Intention. You, and defied the Enemy that was plucking at my elbow. I could have lived there always and I prayed in secret that we might never be found. I wanted you to believe in me as I was already beginning to believe in myself. Whatever I had been—here in the world serviced apartments hk—up there at least I was a success. I wanted to prove it thoroughly—to[157] kill, that you might eat and be warm—to hew and build, that you might be comfortable. I wanted a shrine for you, that I might put you there and keep you—always. I worshiped you, Jane, God help me, as I worship you now.” His voice trembled and broke as he paused. “I—I must not listen to you, Mr. Gallatin,” she said hurriedly, for her heart was beating wildly. “I worship you, Jane,” he repeated, “and I ask for nothing but your pardon.” “I—I forgive you,” she gasped. “I’m glad of that. I’ll try to deserve your indulgence,” he said slowly. He stopped again, and it was a long time before he went on. The brougham was moving rapidly up the Avenue and the turmoil of night sounds was fading into silence. Forty-second Street was already behind them, and the fashionable restaurants were gay with lights. He seemed to realize then that Jane would soon fully furnished apartment reach her destination, and he went on quickly, as though there were still much that he must say in the little time left to him to say it in. “I suppose it would be too much if I asked you to let me see you once in a while,” he said quickly, as though he feared her refusal. “I—I’ve no doubt that we’ll meet, Mr. Gallatin.”

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